
RMClinic is a modern token based appointment booking system, specifically designed to digitalize and simplify our traditional token based systems followed in clinics and hospitals.

  • Live Status

    User can view the live token status that is currently in progress. It helps user to save waiting time and also benefits Doctor to maintain limited patients waiting on the premises.

  • Customized Solution

    Customized branding including Logo, Title and Doctor profile. Hosted as a separate application in Google Play store.

  • Integrated Payment

    Online payment for Token advance using RazorPay. This helps both user and doctor to confirm the slot.


Rs. 4999/-
per Doctor
  • Unlimited Users
  • Unlimited Tokens
  • Unlimited Token Slots
  • Cloud and PlayStore hosting
  • Full OnCall Support
  • AMC Included*
  • Free Static Webpage*

About US

RMbyte Technologies is an emerging innovator in the field of consumer oriented applications. We belive innovation is the key to simplify the life of consumer with the help of technology.

The nature and purpose of the business to be conducted by RMBYTE TECHNOLOGIES is

To carry on the business of designing, development, customization, implementation, maintenance, testing and benchmarking and dealing in software, hardware, tele-communication, products services solutions and providing all and every kind of software, hardware, tele-communication technology services including but not limited to smart retail technology, ERP solutions, customized billing software or developing and providing all and every kind software and technology service including but not limited to healthcare, industrial IoT, standalone /internet based applications, products and solutions, Internet of Things (IoT) related products and solutions, artificial intelligence technology and systems, robotics engineering and processes, business incubator programs & services anywhere in the world and any combinations thereof and to research, explore, create and develop technology and intellectual properties in key and emerging areas (for example, medicine, health, space, sports, digital education, digital media, e- commerce, Internet of Things (IoT), smart cities, data analytics, speech recognition, big data, social media analytics & cloud, automation, artificial intelligence, robotics, business incubators etc.) and other related businesses including own and third party computer software packages, programs and solutions, and to provide internet / web based applications, products and services and solutions, provide or take up Information technology related assignments on sub-contracting basis, offering services on-site/ offsite or through development centers using owned /hired or third party infrastructure and equipment, providing applications services provider mode via internet or otherwise in India or abroad.

Contact Us

    No.15, Vellalar Street • Ambattur, Chennai-600058 • TN
    +91 9003014381